We’re never really ready to lose our parents. So glad for you that you have so many good memories of your dad. 🙏

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Loosing a parent is hard. But talking about it helps me process the loss as I don’t think you ever get ‘over it.’ I’m just grateful for all the beautiful memories and that I can share them with mum.

Thanks Wren 💛

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That’s beautiful, Susan. My heart goes out to you ❤️ My mom passed in 2016 on the winter solstice. I e always painted for healing but at that time writing helped me go deeper. I rewrote the novel I’d been writing and it was such a healing process. It’s amazing how creativity can connect us in so many ways. Thank you for sharing 🙏✨

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It's always a bit of a relief when personal posts like this connect with other artists. I also found that writing helped me go delve deep, while painting felt more like exhaling emotions. Is the novel you're working intended for publication? Books about grief can be a bit heavy, yet they also offer special way to feel understood and that your are not alone.

Thanks for sharing your story bout your mum 💛

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I love that Susan 💛 That’s very much how the painting and writing for healing feels to me. The novel is intended for publication and I’m in the process of sending out queries to agents. I agree that novels about grief can often feel heavy so this was a way for me and hopefully others to feel comfort in the journey. I wrote a bit about it here: https://juliettecrane.substack.com/p/big-dreams-new-beginnings ❤️

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Thanks for inviting us into your journal, into your relationship with your dad, into your grief and into your creative life and for letting us see the threads that tie them all together. Beautiful written and shared, Susan.

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Hi Aimee, thank you, as always, for your kind words and lovely comment. I have to admit, I wasn't sure about sharing it right after posting because it's a very personal piece but notes, like yours, reassured me it's okay.

Susan 💛

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Sending love. Such a beautiful post. ♥️

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Thank you, Rebecca, for the kind words, I appreciate your comment 💛

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Your dad sounds like a truly great dad and remarkable human. Grief is such a beast and life beyond is a new experience we never asked for ♥️

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Hi Linn, I was thinking about you the other, I thought it would be nice to can catch up in the new year.

Thank you for your beautiful words, my heart glows knowing he comes across as a truly great dad and such wise man because he was to me. 💛💛

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Yes that would be lovely :)

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I enjoyed reading about your dad and your journey through the grief of losing him. I’m still figuring out life without my mom, who passed away two years ago. Thank you for sharing.

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Hi Rebecca, I’m sorry for your loss. The first two-three years were the toughest for me, but it’s okay not to be able to make any sense of it all now. Take your time and take care of yourself. I’m glad you have your creative outlet to process it. Though I hope you have people around you for support but if you ever want to talk, I’m here. 💛💛

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Dec 9, 2023Liked by Susan Jimenez

Thanks for sharing this Susan. It still surprises when the grief sneaks up on me out of nowhere

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Hey! Caroline, it’s lovely to see your comment, and thank your sharing your thoughts. ..its those little surprises that never go away but keep the memories alive. 💛💛

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